We all know that we should eat healthier. But no one has ever come home from a miserable day at work and decided that the only thing that would make them feel better is a kale salad. When you are leaning on food as the crutch to get you through this slog we call life, you want carbs, sugar and/or greasy meat.
We’re talking about our favorite comfort foods this week – the meals that make us feel all warm and squishy inside, and fat and squishy outside. What’s your all-time comfort food?
- Butter noodles (Michael’s Choice)
- Boxed mac ‘n’ cheese (Richard’s Choice)
- Grilled cheese and tomato soup (Michael’s Choice)
- Chicken McNuggets (Richard’s Choice)
- Numero Uno Pizza (Michael’s Choice)
- Little Caesars Pizza (Richard’s Choice)
- Pint of Gold Medal Ribbon ice cream (Michael’s Choice)
- Bacon sandwiches (Richard’s Choice)