We all secretly wish we could have one of two superpowers: flight or invisibility.
Or this one time, I was walking home from high school and these junior high kids were across the street and they were throwing rocks at me, and I was like “boy, if I could turn into the Hulk that would be soooo cool” as I ran away from those kids who were three years younger than me…
So yeah, invisibility!
This week we’re joined by guest Paul Preston from www.themovieguys.net to take a look at… well, you know, try to take a look… at that most sacred of powers that renders one… imperceptible to the naked eye. From magic cloaks to “magic” cloaks to The One Ring we try to make the intangible a little more tangible.
Follow Paul and the rest of The Movie Guys on Twitter @TheMovieGuys and check out The Movie Guys Podcast on your favorite pod catcher.
- Mac King’s Cloak of Invisibility (Paul’s Choice)
- Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
- Monty Python’s “How Not to Be Seen” Sketch (Paul’s Choice)
- Invisible Boy from “Mystery Men” (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
- Buster Bluth’s Stealth Skills from “Arrested Development” (Paul’s Choice)
- “The Invisible Kid” (Richard’s Choice)
- Violet Parr from “The Incredibles (Paul’s Choice)
- The One Ring from “Lord of the Rings” (Richard and Michael’s Choice”