Sure, Daniel-Day Lewis might be the greatest actor of his generation. Yes, he can immerse himself into a role so completely that it’s easy to forget the actor who is playing the character. But has he ever played himself beating up Adam Sandler on a golf course in a fit of range? No? Score one for Bob Barker, Master Thespian.
This week we’re looking at one of the most difficult roles an actor can play: themselves. These are ridiculous and over-the-top portrayals that require the actor to have a pretty healthy sense of humor.
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in “Airplane!” (Richard’s Choice)
- Jay Leno in Literally Every 90s Movie (Michael’s Choice)
- Keanu Reeves in “Always Be My Maybe” (Richard’s Choice)
- David Bowie in “Zoolander” (Michael’s Choice)
- Bob Barker in “Happy Gilmore” (Richard’s Choice)
- Julia Roberts in “Ocean’s 12” (Michael’s Choice)
- John Malkovich in “Being John Malkovich” (Joint Choice)