Great special effects do more than just look cool. When done right, they can make the impossible seem like reality and completely immerse you into a movie. This week we’re celebrating some of the visual effects scenes that made our jaws drop and wonder how they did that?!?
Joining us for the conversation is Iain Failes of “Befores and Afters.” He’s a veteran visual effects and animations journalist whose website enlightens people about the finer aspects of the VFX scenes we love.
- Bullet Time from “The Matrix” (Joint Choice)
- Mirror Shot from “Contact” (Iain’s Choice)
- T Rex Attack from “Jurassic Park (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
- Paris Building Fold from “Inception” (Iain’s Choice)
- Final Race from “Speed Racer” (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
- Lobby Fight from “Jurassic Park” (Iain’s Choice)
- Hallway Fight Scene from “Inception” (Richard and Michael’s Choice)