There’s nothing worse than going to your favorite bar or restaurant and having your night ruined by some lout without a clue about the concept of civility. Some people simply can’t handle the basic manners required to eat anywhere but a Golden Corral, and even than they are probably cutting in line for the Chocolate Fondue Waterfall!
Richard, Michael and Jeff know about eating and drinking – they’ve been doing it their whole lives! This week they get together to discuss some of the rudest, most ignorant and just plain stupid things that customers do at bars and restaurants.
General Stupid Customer Links
“Astounding Stupid Restaurant Customers – Part 1 and Part 2” – Jezebel
Joint Pick
Bill Splitting
- “11 Things Which Will Always Happen When You Come to Split a Group Restaurant Bill” – Marie Claire UK
Richard’s Picks
Tipping with Change
- “Do Waitstaff Hate Change?” – Ask Metafilter
Having to Sit Facing the Door
- “Eat Out with the Sopranos…But Sit Facing the Door” – The Independent
Not Knowing What to Order at a Fast Food Place
Michael’s Picks
Bad Tipping
Jukebox Abuse
- “Jukebox Etiquette 101” – Shaken and Stirred
Ordering Off Menu
- “Modern Manners: Ordering Off Menu” – The Guardian