There might be some controversy to the theory that having grandmothers as part of a family is why humans live longer than apes. But there’s no controversy about the statement that grandmothers are great. (Even if they aren’t “great grandmothers.” Which doesn’t mean they aren’t great…look, you get the point.)
This week we look at the Rushmore of Grandmas – real and fictional. Just not Richard, Michael or Jeff’s grandmothers, since that would be cheating. Some of these grandmothers are warm and caring. Others are foul and crass. But one thing they have in common is love. And being a lot older than us.
- 1:25 – The Grandmother from “Little Red Riding Hood” (Michael’s Pick)
- 6:41 – Olivia Foxworth from “Flowers in the Attic” (Richard’s Pick)
- 9:34 – Larry Johnson as Grandmama from 1990s Converse commercials (Michael’s Pick)
- 13:01 – Grandma Moses, famous folk art painter (Richard’s Pick)
- 18:02 – Olenna Tyrell from “Game of Thrones” (Michael’s Pick)
- 20:50 – Madea from “Every Madea Movie” (Richard’s Pick)
- 25:38 – The Grandma That Got Run Over By a Reindeer from the Patsy and Elmo song “Grandma That Got Run Over By a Reindeer” (Michael’s Pick)
- 28:37 – Granny from “The Beverly Hillbillies” (Richard’s Pick)