This Sunday is Oscar night, and you know what that means! Well, yes, trying to figure out which celebrities are half in the bag while walking the red carpet and which ones are hopped up on goofballs. And also, yes, rubbing it in your friends’ faces because you got the Best Documentary Short AND Best Animated Short right in your Oscar pool.
More than that, though, we’re talking about your God-given right as an American to boo and throw things at your TV because the Best Picture winner CLEARLY wasn’t the best picture of the year. But why wait until Sunday? You can hear us rant and rail on the worst choices for Best Picture from years past while you throw something at your smartphone or car stereo.
Joining us to bring some much-needed sanity to the proceedings is Erik Anderson of AwardsWatch.com. Few people know more about the history and behind-the-scenes drama of the Best Picture race than him, so who could be better to explain why the best film didn’t always win?
Meanwhile, Jeff is interviewing all the stars on the red carpet while wearing his snazzy bejeweled vest while Michael is the arm candy for the latest ingénue and Richard is trying to crash the party with a boozy Sally Kellerman in tow.
5:58 – Crash (Joint Choice)
16:05 – Oliver! (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
23:22 – Dances with Wolves (Erik’s Choice)
35:24 – Forrest Gump – (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
43:18 – Unforgiven – (Erik’s Choice)
49:48 – Rocky – (Richard and Michael’s Choice)
1:00:01 – Gladiator – (Erik’s Choice)