Laurel & Hardy. Martin & Lewis. Chips & Salsa.
Partnerships bring out the best in each other. At their best, partners support each other and provide something that the other person lacks. At their worst, they eventually want to kill each other, which is still high entertainment.
We’ll let you be the judge on which side Richard & Michael fall on. Listen as Jeff plays marriage counselor and helps them decide the Mt. Rushmore of “&” Partnerships.
Joint Pick:
Abbott & Costello
- 1995 Los Angeles Times review of the GRT Production of “Lou’s on First” (co-starring Chris Winfield)
- Performance of “Who’s On First” from “The Abbott and Costello Show”
Michael’s Picks
Penn & Teller
- “Vanity Fair” interview with Penn & Teller about revealing tricks
- 1985 PBS Special “Penn & Tell Go Public”
- Trailer for “Penn & Teller Get Killed”
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Simon & Garfunkel
- The Guardian interview from 1975 with Simon & Garfunkel (individually) post-breakup
- 1981 People Magazine review of the Concert in the Park
Richard’s Picks
Bert & Ernie
Ben & Jerry
- Huffington Post: The Sweet Story of How Ben & Jerry’s Built Its Ice Cream Empire
- Thrillist: Every Ben & Jerry’s Flavor, Ranked
Lennon & McCartney