It’s game day! Time to head out to the stadium and root for your favorite team! Well, that’s fine if you are some sort of Rockefeller who can afford tickets to any college or pro sports team, or if you like watching ants run around on the field from your nosebleed seats. For the rest of us, heading out to watch the game usually means hitting up the bar.
This week we’re talking about everything – and everyone – that makes a trip to the sports bar great and miserable at the same time. Win or lose, these are the fans you’re likely to encounter while watching the Big Game. So, put on your throwback jersey, order 20 pounds of wings and a couple of pitchers of Miller Lite and check out this week’s new episode.
- Going to a Specific Team Bar (Michael’s Choice)
- Guy Who Wants to Watch a Random Game (Richard’s Choice)
- Getting the Audio and the TV Channel Correct (Michael’s Choice)
- Timing When to Arrive and Leave (Richard’s Choice)
- An Excuse to Drink Morning Beers (Michael’s Choice)
- The Guy Who Thinks He Knows More About Sports Than You (Richard’s Choice)
- Sports on TV at a Nice Restaurant (Michael’s Choice)
- Richard Watching the 2005 USC/Notre Dame Game at the Albuquerque Airport (Richard’s Choice)