The best movie experiences are completely immersive and take you to another world for a few hours. Few elements of a movie are more crucial to this than the makeup. Whether it’s gory special effects or subtle aging, iconic makeups help to create the illusion of fantasy that is so important to the viewing process.
This week we’re saluting some of the greatest makeups in film history with the help of Hollywood practical effects artist Dan Crawley, who brings his years of experience to the table and, quite frankly, wipes the floor with Michael and Richard.
- Frankenstein’s Monster from “Frankenstein” (Michael and Richard’s Choice)
- Father Merrin from “The Exorcist” (Dan’s Choice)
- The Apes from “Planet of the Apes (Michael and Richard’s Choice)
- Bela Lugosi from “Ed Wood” (Dan’s Choice)
- David Kessler from “An American Werewolf in London” (Michael and Richard’s Choice)
- The Phantom from “The Phantom of the Opera” (Dan’s Choice)
- The Joker from “The Dark Knight” (Michael and Richard’s Choice)
- The Lord of Darkness in “Legend” (Dan’s Choice)