Horses: they can be wild, or talking or dark. But at the end of the day, a horse is a horse, of course, of course. And no one can talk about famous horses like Michael, Richard and Jeff. (As long as they don’t talk themselves “horse”. Good night everybody!)
This week we tackle some of the most iconic horses of all time – fictional and real. It’s time to saddle up for another trail ride to Mt. Rushmore, everyone. Make sure you’ve got your feedbags strapped on tight – this one’s good.
Joint Choices
The Trojan Horse:
- Secretariat Remains No. 1 Name in Racing: ESPN.com
Michael’s Picks
Lil’ Sebastian:
Clever Hans:
- The Horse That Could Do Math: The Unintentional Clever Hans Hoax – Today I Found Out
Richard’s Choices
- How a Boy, His Horse and a Swamp Basically Screwed Up a Generation – Sub-Cultured.com
- The Smartest Horse in the Movies – The Happy Trails Children’s Foundation