So you think you’re too good to listen to this week’s episode? What a coincidence – it happens to be about people who also think they’re better than you. Michael, Richard and Jeff run down the most annoying snobs possible.
Michael’s Choices:
Music Snobs
- Indie Rock Pete, a web comic about an insufferable music snob
- Catnap sketch from “Portlandia”
People Who Are Proud to Have Never Seen “Star Wars”
- Wired articles (here and here) from people who had never seen “Star Wars”
- Live Tweets of Some Girl Who Had Never Seen Star Wars
Ted Knight in “Caddyshack”
Coffee Snobs
- “13 Signs That You’re a Coffee Snob” from Food Republic
Richard’s Choices:
Music Snobs
- “Virginia Plain” by Roxy Music
Beer Snobs
- “19 Types of Beer Snobs” from Thrillist
Parenting Snobs
- Listen, just go to any park and see any group of parents (and not the nannies), OK?
Comedy Snobs
- Monty Python’s “Fish Slapping Dance”