The Simpsons has featured Guest Stars since it's very first season way back in 1990. 913 have...
This week Richard (Asshole!) and Michael (Slut!) take a jump to the left...and then a step to...
Let's face it: most rockers aren't actually master thespians when put in front of a camera. So...
Panic in the streets of London! And a lot of other places Morrissey didn't even namecheck. This...
Symbols of wealth have been a thing since way before entitled jerks in Teslas started cutting you...
The dream sequence has long been a popular trope in pop culture. In fact, sometimes the whole...
When it comes to music, image matters and nothing can help you establish your image with the...
Today we're looking at famous people who are most well-known for being a sibling of a very...
As a wise man (Lemmy) once said, the Ramones can't play no high school dance, but they...
We don't have a clever rap song this week, but what we do have are takes on...